Analysis of real estate prices in Bursa 

Analysis of real estate prices in Bursa 

Analysis of real estate prices in Bursa 

With ongoing urban renewal projects enhancing the safety and attractiveness of residential properties, Bursa is experiencing a notable surge in demand and unprecedented interest in real estate ownership, despite the abundance of modern projects and offerings. This surge has enriched Bursa’s real estate market. What further fuels this real estate boom is the attractiveness of the supply and the high demand it garners, coupled with significantly lower average real estate prices compared to similar major cities. Therefore, establishing an investment project in Bursa proves to be a flexible and profitable venture compared to other regions. In this article from Ebla Real Estate, we will provide an analysis of real estate prices in Bursa, focusing on average and annual changes.


Analysis of real estate prices in Bursa


Analyzing the Annual Changes in Real Estate Prices in Bursa:

Bursa, renowned for its economic prowess and tourist appeal, ranks highly among investor-preferred cities. The progress in infrastructure development and completed urban transformation projects, including recent efforts and those undertaken in recent years, collectively influence real estate prices in Bursa. Notably, these impacts are felt strongly in districts such as Osmangazi, Nilüfer, the Yıldırım investment neighborhoods, and areas near Gemlik Port and Mudanya beaches.

Moreover, real estate prices in Bursa have paralleled the rise in property sales across the city. Official data for 2024 reveals that residential real estate sales in Bursa have reached their highest levels in the past five years, especially in urban renewal hotspots such as Nilüfer, Yıldırım, and Osmangazi.

Recent reports indicate approximately 25,000 residential units were sold in Bursa during the first half of this year, marking a 10% increase from the same period last year.

Analysis of real estate prices in Bursa


Analysis of Real Estate Prices in Bursa:

Bursa is witnessing a significant uptick in residential and commercial real estate prices, with the average price per square meter for real estate projects reaching 20,730 Turkish liras by the end of the first quarter of 2024.

Several factors contribute to this ongoing growth, including:

  • Increased demand driven by local and international residents, as well as a burgeoning tourist influx.
  • Growing interest in modern apartments and homes for ownership. 
  • The secure investment environment that promises savings and profitability. 

Year-over-year, real estate prices in Bursa have surged by 53%. 

Luxury construction projects and urban revitalization initiatives have notably bolstered these increases, particularly in areas such as Nilüfer and expanding urban neighborhoods near the city center. 

It’s noteworthy that alongside rising property prices, there has been a corresponding uptick in demand for both residential and commercial spaces, whether for purchase or lease. 

Given its ample employment opportunities and reputation as an educational hub, rental needs have surged across various demographics, including workers, traders, students, and tourists. Average rental prices in Bursa hover around 8,000 Turkish liras… That was an analysis of real estate prices in Bursa


Thus, we provided an analysis of real estate prices in Bursa.


Edited by: Ebla Group Real Estate

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