Five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship

خمسة أخطاء شائعة عند شراء عقار في تركيا

Five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship

Five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship. Despite the clarity of the laws related to obtaining Turkish citizenship through the purchase of a property, some foreign citizens and investors make mistakes. Therefore, in this article from Ebla Real estate, we will talk about five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship.


Five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship


Five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship:

Not to obtain a real estate appraisal report:

The real estate appraisal document is one of the most important papers required when applying for Turkish citizenship. Your papers will not be accepted to apply for citizenship without the real estate appraisal report that is obtained by the Land Registry Department through official real estate companies. It is worth noting that this document must be extracted exclusively from companies licensed by the Turkish government.


Buying a property from a foreign person:

If you want to obtain Turkish citizenship by buy buying a property, avoid buying it from a foreign owner. Undoubtedly, buying a property from a Turkish citizen is one of the most important conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship.


Wrong translation:

The translation must be done by a qualified sworn translator under the supervision of a legal and real estate advisor on your behalf to ensure the authenticity of the translated papers and documents. You will face problems with the nationality file in the event of an incorrect translation of your information and personal data, such as your passport and others.

Five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship


Pay the value of the property without a bank transfer:

You must pay the price of the property through a bank transfer. In order to pay the value of the property via a bank transfer, you must deal with a licensed and reliable real estate company in Turkey. It works to arrange the purchase process until you obtain the Turkish nationality and saves you effort and time.


Buying a property worth just 400,000$ without an increase:

The customer may think that paying only 400,000$ is enough to obtain citizenship. However, the exchange rate may change or there may be a difference in the real estate appraisal. Thus, the amount will be less than the specified value. Therefore, it is better to buy a property worth more than 400,000$.


Thus, we talked about five mistakes to beware of when buying a property to obtain Turkish citizenship. It is worth noting that Ebla Real Estate provides properties suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship. To apply for Turkish nationality, do not hesitate to contact us.

Edited by: Ebla Group Real Estate

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