Popular Turkish drinks

Turkish drinks

Popular Turkish drinks

Traditional Turkish drinks are a huge part of Turkey’s culture and lifestyle, and they come in many different varieties to suit any taste. In this article from Ebla Real Estate, we will talk about the most popular Turkish drinks.


Popular Turkish drinks


Popular Turkish drinks:

Turkish Tea:

Turkish tea, with its history dating back 5000 years, has become the center of most social activities. It complements Turkish culture today. Türkiye is by far one of the leading consumers of tea.

Rize, located in the eastern Black Sea region is where you’ll find most if not all the tea plantations in Turkey. Leaves go through a number of processes during harvesting and then brewed to perfection.

Turkish tea is often served in tulip-shaped glasses and consumed all day long, especially during breakfast. The locals drink it constantly and will always offer it to their guests.

Turkish Tea

Turkish coffee:

In 1517 the Ottoman Turks conquered a small Yemeni town named Mocha and took their coffee beans back home. They were unaware that this was the beginning of an empire’s favorite drink!

Turkish coffee is cooked by boiling, not brewing or mixing with hot water, unlike many other types of coffee.

Undoubtedly, drinking coffee after a good meal plays a huge role in Turkish tradition. That’s why it’s important to save space for it. Moreover, a cold glass of water is always served next to your coffee. This is to cleanse the palate. In local neighborhoods, Turkish coffee is a symbol of friendship and if you are ever offered a cup, it is always polite to accept it.

Turkish coffee

Ayran (Turkish yogurt drink):

Ayran is one of the most popular Turkish drinks as it pairs well with many Turkish dishes, including meat dishes, kebabs, gozleme, börek, lahmacun, and pide.

The history of “Ayran” dates back to the time of the Turk nomadic tribes and also in some cultures such as Iran and Arab countries. Packaged varieties of “Ayran”, made from yogurt, water, and salt, are sold all over Turkey. Easily made at any time of the day, this healthy drink is a favorite among locals and travelers alike.

Salep (Turkish Hot Milk):

Salep is a hot and popular winter Turkish drinks. There are many different ways to make salep, but the most common recipe includes salep powder, milk, water, sugar, and spices such as cinnamon and cloves. This drink is especially popular in the city of Istanbul, and it is sold by street vendors in every corner of the city.

The salep powder is made from the tubers in the roots of the salep plant, which are boiled and dried in the sun. After drying, they are pulverized into a powder. The powder is also used as a thickener for Turkish ice cream.


Sherbet (Turkish Ramadan Drink):

Turkish sherbet is a refreshing Turkish drinks made from fruits, herb leaves, water, and sugar. It is typically served cold and is a popular choice during the hot summer months. Fruits such as grapes, pomegranate, cranberry, black mulberry, and sour cherry can also be used. Rose petals and orange blossom are some of the ingredients used in Turkish sherbet.

Turkish sherbet is a healthy drink option as it is made from natural ingredients and is low in calories. It is also a hydrating drink, which is vital during the summer months when we are more prone to dehydration.

Şalgam Suyu (Pickled Turnip Juice):

This drink may not be popular with foreign tourists, but many Turkish people use it when eating. Moreover, this interestingly tangy beverage is very popular in the Cukurova (South Central) region of Turkey.

Şalgam Suyu is made from turnip juice, purple carrots, salt and pepper, and spices. Furthermore, it usually has two different versions; mild and spicy hot. 


Edited by: Ebla Group Real Estate

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