Tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa

Tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa

Tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa

Due to its tourist and economic importance and being one of the best livable cities, owning and investing in real estate in Bursa is a distinctive project for achieving material gains and obtaining many benefits. However, you should be careful throughout the purchasing process to avoid fraud. Therefore, in this article from Ebla Real Estate, we will provide some tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa.


Tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa


Tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa:

Avoiding fraud in the real estate market requires diligence and caution. Here are some tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa:

Do not pay money without legal guarantees:

Paying money without obtaining legal guarantees or documentation is a common pitfall that can leave buyers vulnerable to fraud or financial loss. Insist on legal contracts, agreements, and receipts for all transactions to establish legal ownership, rights, and obligations. 

Moreover, seek professional legal advice to review contracts and ensure compliance with Turkish real estate laws and regulations, protecting your investment and securing your interests.

Deal with a Reliable Company:

Partnering with a reputable and trustworthy real estate company is paramount to avoid fraud when buying a property in Bursa. Ensure the company is licensed, has a proven track record, and is well-regarded in the industry. Reliable companies provide valuable guidance, access to quality properties, and transparent transactions, minimizing the risk of fraud or misrepresentation.

real estate company in bursa turkey

Be Wary of Unrealistic Deals:

Exercise caution if the deal seems too good to be true. Unrealistically low prices or high-pressure sales tactics could be indicators of fraudulent activity. Trust your instincts and seek additional verification if needed.

Inspect the Property in Person:

You should avoid making decisions based solely on online listings or photos. Moreover, you should visit the property in person to assess its condition, location, and surroundings. This will help you identify any discrepancies or issues that might indicate fraudulent activity.

View the Sales Contract:

Carefully review the sales contract before signing to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa and to understand the terms, conditions, and obligations involved in the transaction. Pay attention to clauses related to payment schedules, contingencies, property warranties, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Seek clarification on any ambiguous terms and ensure all agreements are documented in writing to avoid misunderstandings later on.

Verify Seller’s Identity:

Verify the identity and legitimacy of the seller before proceeding with any transaction. Request official identification documents and confirm the seller’s ownership rights through official channels.

Ensure the Legal Integrity of the Property:

Before finalizing any property transaction, conduct thorough due diligence to ensure the legal integrity of the property. Verify ownership of documents, title deeds, zoning regulations, and any existing encumbrances or liabilities. Engage legal professionals to review documents, assess legal risks, and ensure compliance with Turkish real estate laws, safeguarding your investment and interests.

Tips to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa

Transfer Ownership and Obtain the Title Deed:

Once the sales contract is finalized, proceed with transferring ownership and obtaining the title deed (Tapu). Work with your real estate company and legal advisors to complete the necessary paperwork, pay taxes and fees, and finalize the transfer process. Obtaining the title deed establishes legal ownership of the property and provides peace of mind to the buyer.


The role of real estate companies in protecting customers from fraud in the real estate market in Bursa:

Without a doubt, dealing with a well-known real estate company is the best way to avoid fraud in the real estate market in Bursa

Real estate companies play a crucial role in protecting customers from fraud in the real estate market in Bursa. They have a responsibility to provide accurate and transparent information to their clients about the properties they represent. 

Moreover, real estate companies should educate their clients about the common types of real estate fraud in Bursa and how to recognize warning signs. By providing clients with information and resources to help them make informed decisions, companies empower them to protect themselves from fraudulent schemes.

The companies also can provide legal assistance to their clients throughout the buying or selling process. This may include reviewing contracts, verifying ownership documents, and ensuring that all transactions comply with relevant laws and regulations.

In addition, in the event that a client encounters a potential fraud or dispute during a real estate transaction, real estate companies should promptly address their concerns and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.


Edited by: Ebla Group Real Estate

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